
Croatian Story of Design, Architecture, Construction, Living and Production – ambienta

AMBIENTA, the 49th International Furniture, Interior Decoration and Supporting Industry Fair will take place from 13 – 16 October at Zagreb Fair. Discover more about this Croatian fair.   Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Zagreb, and with the partner Hrvatske šume (Croatian Forests) […]


Visit Ambienta, the 49th International Furniture, Interior Decoration, and Supporting Industries Fair in Zagreb is glad to be the media partner of AMBIENTA, the 49th International Furniture, Interior Decoration, and Supporting Industries Fair, which will take place in Zagreb in October. Discover more about this informative trade fair in the Croatian capital.   AMBIENTA, the 49th International Furniture, Interior Decoration, and Supporting Industries Fair, will be held from […]


Creative Office Design – Colorful Showroom as the Entrance to Designers’ Workspace with a Park View

One of the marketing foundations of office design is that the style of the office should represent the company’s work and areas of expertise. So, when it comes to the office space of a design agency, the keywords of a story told by the design should be – creative, functional, innovative, trendsetting, colorful, stylish, playful […]

Contract Furniture

Awarded Workspace Design – Movo Mobile Home Office

A prestigious international award for the workspace design innovation of the company Sobocan from Mursko Sredisce in Croatia – Movo mobile home office won the “Best of Best” award at the international competition ICONIC AWARDS 2021: Innovative Interior. Movo mobile office, an innovative workspace design by the Sobocan company from Mursko Sredisce, is awarded the […]


Charming Country House Interior Design Project in Croatia

Have you ever dreamed of spending a weekend or a holiday in a charming country house? brings you a design story about such a lovely interior design project by a Croatian interior designer Damir Ostarcevic from NIDUS – Prostor za mene (NIDUS – the Space for Me) brand. The designer himself tells us a […]


Croatian Design Story – Ambienta Furniture Fair in Zagreb

This year’s Ambienta – International Furniture, Interior Decoration and Supporting Industry Fair, which took place from 09 – 13 October in Zagreb, Croatia, presented a Croatian design story as well as creative ideas from many other countries. I went sightseeing and took photos to show you design and décor trends and ideas from this Croatian […]


The Furniture Industry and Design in Croatia

The exhibition Between Wishes and Reality – the Furniture Industry and Design in Croatia 1945 – 1990, that takes place in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, focuses on showing the range of factory-made furniture in Croatia from 1945 to the 1990s, and it also defines the issues and contextual units of furniture […]


Ambienta Fair in Zagreb – Design, Architecture and Croatian Production

This year’s Ambienta – International Furniture, Interior Decoration, and Supporting Industry Fair, to be held from 11 – 15 October in Zagreb, Croatia, will present a story with a redesigned concept and communication of the idea, design, architecture, and Croatian production, again positioning this fair as the most significant business event in the Croatian wood […]