A functional and attractive interior, in which everyone feels comfortable, is the goal of both architects and investors. In the example of the interior design of an apartment in Zadar, Croatia, we will reveal to you how Iva Klepo Lepur – an experienced architect and president of the Council of the Community of Interior Designers (ZADIN) – thinks about designing interior spaces, and what she most often recommends to her clients.
How to Create a Functional and Beautiful Apartment Interior

What did you consider when designing the interior of the apartment in Zadar? Where did you find inspiration?
“What is always a priority for me is a functional space. A beautiful, but non-functional space is a waste of money. When it comes to an apartment where the owners already live, it is easy to find out from them what does not suit them in the existing apartment design. Here it was primarily a problem with the storage of jackets and shoes and the undefined design of the living area. The entire apartment was very pale with white furniture and kitchen, without accents, and with inadequate lighting. I wanted to add some depth to the interior space, accents in black.”
What are the decorative details that make this space special?
“The fireplace covered with travertine stone and the fantastic Big Bang pendant lamp are the elements that definitely transformed the space.”
What were the biggest challenges during the design and decorating?
“The challenge was to start work quickly since the clients hired me when they had already practically started with the adaptation and realized they did not have answers to many questions. Another problem in today’s new buildings which is also evident here, are living rooms with kitchens and dining rooms – which have awkward square footage and proportions.”
Communication in the Investor-Architect Relationship

Did the clients have any suggestions or did you have a completely free hand?
“Actually, the clients had only two wishes: a fireplace and a black matte kitchen. They were completely open to all other suggestions and we very easily found a common language. Otherwise, communication in the investor-architect relationship is important and greatly affects the overall result. Sometimes it is necessary to leave yourself in the hands of the architect, great interiors are often created from such trust. For example, in this apartment, it was difficult for the clients to decide on the color of the chairs in the dining room, but they decided to listen to me and the result is excellent.”
How difficult is it to find a balance – between the client’s wishes and your style?
“I try to be very rational, if something doesn’t fit into the space, I explain my suggestions. Most often, clients accept, but here and there I come across clients who do not accept the architect’s suggestions, and I go out of my way to meet them. After all, the most important thing is that they feel comfortable in that space. The goal should certainly be – to translate the experience and the talent of the architect into the investor’s wishes – and that’s when compromises happen.”
Life Brings Details and Creates Layered Spaces

What style of interior decoration do you appreciate the most and what do you most often recommend to clients?
“I am always devoted to simple interiors, in neutral tones such as white and natural wood tones, all spiced up with good chairs, armchairs, art, and lighting. I try not to burden myself with decorating styles or trends. My recommendation to clients is not to finish absolutely everything right away, let them leave some free white walls. Life brings details, a picture from a trip, a good souvenir, a birthday present. The space built over time is layered and it is impossible to show that layering in a few months.” Iva Klepo Lepur, architect and president of the Council of the Community of Interior Designers

The recently established Community of Interior Designers (ZADIN) is a professional association that brings together interior designers, decorators, stylists, architects, landscape architects, garden designers, and other design enthusiasts in one place – with a focus on mutual growth, exchange of experiences, talent development and the promotion of interior and exterior design. An increasing number of architects, designers, decorators, and interior stylists are doing business in Croatia, since clients have recognized the importance of hiring professionals when designing residential or business premises. Where to find them, you ask? We invite you to visit the Community of Interior Designers’ web platform – ZADIN.eu.

On this link, you can read the original article (in Croatian language) I wrote for Tportal.
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