Co-existence with tourism and sustainable heritage management and tourism in the areas of valuable cultural and natural heritage with an emphasis on world heritage under the protection of UNESCO will be the main topics of the conference Proceed with Care – Living with Tourism. In Sibenik, Croatia, the International Scientific Conference – Proceed with Care […]
International Scientific Conference Proceed with Care – Living with Tourism
- Post author By Danica Maričić
- Post date March 28, 2019

- Tags sustainable cultural heritage management, sustainable heritage conservation, sustainable heritage management, sustainable heritage merging environmental conservation and historic preservation, sustainable heritage tourism, sustainable heritage tourism development, sustainable tourism, sustainable tourism 2019, sustainable tourism and heritage management, sustainable tourism concept, sustainable tourism conference, sustainable tourism conference 2019, sustainable tourism countries, sustainable tourism cultural heritage, sustainable tourism development, sustainable tourism development ideas, sustainable tourism ideas, sustainable tourism in Croatia, sustainable tourism in Europe, sustainable tourism in world, sustainable tourism project ideas, tourism conference, tourism conferences 2019, tourism in Croatia, tourism in the world, unesco Croatia, unesco in Croatia, unesco sibenik, UNESCO World Heritage List, unesco world heritage site