Products & Materials

Floor Expansion Joints: an Overview for Architects

A flooring trend that’s been popular for some time is using robust, hard materials, such as hardwoods and tiling. This trend looks set to continue well into 2022, with many lists of flooring trends for this year focusing on hardwood and stone over carpets and softer flooring materials. Externally, durability remains the watchword for many, […]


Flooring Industry Trends – Fresh wind in the sails of the global floor coverings industry

Substantial growth in number of exhibitors and size of exhibition More international mix of exhibitors and attendees Fresh impetus from Innovations@DOMOTEX and the Young Designer Trendtable Hannover, Germany. After four action-packed days, DOMOTEX 2017 drew to a close, chalking up considerable growth in terms of its exhibitor lineup and the total amount of space booked, […]

Products & Materials

Carpet Design – Fascination: from Minimalist to Luxurious

Larea The natural, comfy appearance is what captivates with Larea, a voluminous matte frieze. Its forthright structure and frilled threads create a shifting surface look that is interestingly contrasted by ‘austerely’ matte fibers. A coloration inspired by Nature accentuates the carpet’s modernness, which harmonises perfectly with the up-to-date blends reflecting such materials as concrete, wood […]

Products & Materials


Safira Luxurious feel, silky gloss, and refined hues. The newly developed Safira, a soft-gloss frieze, captivates due to its classic opulence and materials with a costly touch. Exhibiting a particularly high level of yarns employed, this carpet product is extraordinarily voluminous and velvety soft. The 20 lush colours – among them sapphire blue, brass, crimson-purple, […]