
Outdoor Fireplaces and Grills

The coming warm days are the right time for setting up and using outdoor fireplaces and grills. Find out more. Fire as an element of the exterior can give a sophisticated atmosphere, and even grills are becoming trendy! If you would like to introduce the fire theme into your garden in a new and sophisticated […]

Produkte & Materialien


Durch die Auswahl der Art von Kaminen, geben Sie den Raum Charakter, in dem er sich befindet. Berühmte Spruch sagt, ein Kamin macht das Haus zu einen Heim. Tatsäclich, fast kein Element bei der Einrichtung des Raumes, kann ein Gefühl der Zuriedenheit schaffen, wie den, wenn Sie am Kamin sitzen. In diese artikel, finden Sie […]

Products & Materials

Pleasant Warmth in the House – Heating Ideas

Thanks to the innovative ducting system Comfort Air® you can heat several rooms, which are not necessarily connected, up to a maximum distance of 8 metres. Besides heating, this system can also filter the air, humidify, and illuminate the environment. A true heat revolution, which applies both to pellet products as well as wood-burning products, […]